This orchid is very generous in terms of sending many flower spikes during its blooming season and the flowers predominantly white with yellow center and slight pink tingle on the petals with many dark pink colored spots. The scent is very strong, sweet with smell of bergamot in the background – very lovely and pleasant combination.
This orchid constantly developing new leaves and bulbs during growing season thus quickly maturing and it’s another wonderful stanhopea for any collector of these astonishing plants.
Hello whomever
ReplyDeleteI am brand new to this blog thing so I really dont have a clue to what I am doing. I have a number of mature stanhopea's that just won't flower. They are kept in good non direct light. They are watered regularly. They are fertilized regularly with seasol. They are kept in wire hanging baskets with broad openings between the wires and the baskets are lined with crepe paper to allow the spikes to break through with minimal resistance. Can somebody tell me what I might be doing wrong?
Hi Simon
ReplyDeleteSome stanhopea varieties will take it's time to come into flowering stage, generally it takes about 7 years for stanhopea's to flower from seedling, so the 'waiting game" is rather long. Our flowering season here is from about October until April and most of my plants flower during that time.
If your plants all mature and still not flowering, I would suggest looking at each variety individually and study it's native habitat, trying to replicate it as close as possible - eg some need copious amount of watering to flower properly, some prefer being drier in winter, some need more warmth than others, things like that. If your plants very large they may need repotting or splitting up to stimulate new growth and this can be done in late autumn, winter or very early spring. Good luck and Cheers